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Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy VIII title Magic                                                                                                       The following is a list of magic available in the game (in alphabetical order), it's effect, and where you can draw it from.

Name: Draw: Description:
Aero Thrustaevis, Death claw, Avis womb Wind-elemental damage to an enemy
Apocalypse Ultimecia Non-elemental damage to all enemies
Aura Seifer (disc 3) Induces limit break on a character
Berserk Grat, Snow lion, Wendigo Causes character to automatically attack enemies (no control), and strength is doubled
Bio Anacodaur, Tri-face, Blue dragon, Chimaera, Malboro Induces Poision-status on an enemy
Blind Blobra, Forbidden, Tri-face, Ochu, Imp Target enemy cannot hit physical attacks
Blizzard Gayla, Fastitocalon-F, Buel, Glacial Eye, Thrustaevis, Grendel, Jelleye, Fastitocalon, Snow lion, Adamantoise Ice-elemental damage to an enemy
Blizzara Stronger Ice-elemental damage to an enemy
Blizzaga Strongest Ice-elemental damage to an enemy
Break Cockatrice, Imp, Blue dragon Induces "Petrify" status on enemy
Confuse Funguar, Blobra, Grat, Belhelmel, Ochu, Imp Target enemy cannot control actions
Cure Geezard, Caterchipillar, Mesmerize, Glacial Eye, Anacodaur, Grendel, Turtapod, GIM47N Restores small amounts of HP to a character
Cura Restores medium amounts of HP to a character
Curaga Restores large amounts of HP to a character
Death Creeps, Forbidden, Tonberry, Torama, Blue dragon Target enemy is destroyed
Demi Torama, Malboro Reduces enemies HP by 1/4 of their maximum HP
Dispel Blood Soul, Mesmerize, Tri-face, Death claw, Turtapod, Hexadragon, Elastoid Eliminates status effects on a character
Double Grendel, Elnoyle Allows a character to cast twice in a single turn
Drain Red Bat, Blue dragon Takes away a small amount of HP from enemy, and restores caster by the same amount of HP
Esuna Mesmerize, Grand Mantis, Turtapod, Vysage, Chimaera, GIM47N Eliminates status ailments on a character
Fire Funguar, Bite Bug, Buel, Anacodaur, Grendel, Jelleye, T-Rexaur, Bomb, Hexadragon Fire-elemental damage to an enemy
Fira Stronger Fire-elemental damage to an enemy
Firaga Ruby dragon Strongest Fire-elemental damage to an enemy
Flare Behemoth, Ruby dragon Fire-elemental damage to an enemy (stronger than Firaga)
Float Blood Soul, Thrustaevis Causes character to lift off the ground, thereby avoiding earth-element attacks
Full-Life Resurrect a character from KO status, and restore full HP
Haste Cactaur, Vysage, Iron giant Increases the ATB meter speed
Holy Elnoyle Holy-elemental damage on an enemy
Life Mesmerize, Creeps, Grand Mantis, Torama Resurrect a character from KO status
Meltdown Gayla, Bomb Decreases target enemies' vitality to 0
Meteor Ruby dragon Non-elemental damage to all enemies
Pain Elnoyle Target enemy is afflicted with various status ailments
Protect Gesper, Armadodo, SAM08G, Wendigo, Adamantoise, Hexadragon, Elastoid Casts a barrier to lighten the damage from physical attacks
Quake Armadodo, T-Rexaur, Iron giant, Malboro Earth-elemental damage to all enemies
Reflect Blobra, Death claw, Adamantoise, Iron giant, Ruby dragon Casts a barrier that redirects the destination of the magic
Regen Behemoth Slowly restores a character's HP
Scan Funguar, Bite Bug, Red Bat, Fastitocalon-F, Glacial Eye, Thrustaevis, Fastitocalon Scans the target enemy for information, like "level", "HP", and "weakness"
Shell Blobra, Gesper, Armadodo, SAM08G, Adamantoise, Hexadragon, Iron giant, Elastoid Casts a barrier to lighten the damage from magical attacks
Silence Funguar, Blood Soul, Grat, Tri-face, Ochu, Imp Induces target enemy with "mute" status, thereby eliminating magical attacks
Sleep Funguar, Gayla, Fastitocalon-F, Grat, Belhelmel, Fastitocalon Induces "Sleep" status on target enemy
Slow Caterchipillar Reduces the speed of the target enemy
Stop Caterchipillar, Forbidden, SAM08G Stops the target's ATB meter from advancing temporarily
Thunder Geezard, Red Bat, Gayla, Caterchipillar, Cockatrice, Buel, Belhelmel, Creeps, Jelleye, T-Rexaur, Blitz, Chimaera Lightning-elemental damage to an enemy
Thundara Stronger Lightning-elemental damage to an enemy
Thundaga Strongest Lightning-elemental damage to an enemy
Tornado Thrustaevis, Avis womb, Behemoth Wind-elemental damage to an enemy
Triple Allows a character to cast thrice in one turn
Ultima Non-elemental damage to an enemy
Water Fastitocalon-F, Grand Mantis, Fastitocalon, Chimaera Water-elemental attack
Zombie Blood Soul, Forbidden Turns the target "undead"
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