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Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy VIII title Junction System                                                                           Final Fantasy VIII introduced the world to the Junction System. It had the power to be simple, yet incredibly complex and fun. Each character status, like strength (STR), and hit points (HP), was what is referred to as junctionable. That means you could attach magic to those status's, which would in-turn change the status. For instance, if you junctioned 100 Curaga spells to HP, you would see your character's HP rise from 3,000 to 9,999. Not all magic had the same effect however, and you had to use common sense to figure which magic was effective for which status. Cure spells would obviously be optimal for HP, destructive spells should have been junctioned to strength, and speed spells would have been junctioned to speed.

For maximum efficiency, FFE suggests the following junctions:
  • 100 Ultimas junctioned to strength (for use on Zell and his limit break)
  • 100 Triples junctioned to speed (also for Zell's use)
  • 100 Curagas junctioned to all three battle party's HP
  • 100 Deaths junctioned to Elm-Atk (great for random encounters)
The junctioning system, while fun, is hugely flawed in the sense that it's too easy to become undefeatable. Also, it makes levelling up completely useless. Many visitors to this site have also complained that relentless drawing of spells was tedious and unenjoyable, and that it took too long. You will not find many people who believe that Junctioning is the best of Final Fantasy's many systems.

Weapons                                                                                             Weapons in Final Fantasy VIII are upgraded through the use of junk items, and magazines. You need to buy or find "Weapons Monthly" magazines to gain the knowledge of how to make better weapons, and then you need to scour the globe to find the required items. Once you have the needed items, just go into town and find someone who will build you a better weapon.

Squall Leonhart
Magazine: Gunblade: Required Items:
March Revolver (6) M-Stone Piece, (2) Screw
April Shear Trigger (1) Steel Pipe, (4) Screw
May Cutting Trigger (1) Mesmerize Blade, (8) Screw
June Flame Sabre (1) Betrayal Sword, (1) Turtle Shell, (4) Screw
July Twin Lance (1) Dino Bone, (2) Red Fang, (12) Screw
August Punishment (1) Chef's Knife, (2) Star Fragment, (1) Turtle Shell, (8) Screw
1st Lionheart (1) Adamantine, (4) Dragon Fang, (12) Pulse Ammo

Quistis Trepe
Magazine: Whip: Required Items:
March Chain Whip (2) M-Stone Piece, (1) Spider Web
May Slaying Tail (2) Magic Stone, (1) Sharp Spike
June Red Scorpion (2) Ochu Tentacle, (2) Dragon Skin
1st Save the Queen (2) Malboro Tentacles, (4) Sharp Spike, (4) Energy Crystal

Zell Dincht
Magazine: Glove: Required Items:
March Metal Knuckle (1) Fish Fin, (4) M-Stone Piece
April Maverick (1) Dragon Fin, (1) Spider Web
June Gauntlet (1) Dragon Skin, (1) Fury Fragment
1st Ehrgeiz (1) Adamantine, (4) Dragon Skin, (1) Fury Fragment

Rinoa Heartilly
Magazine: Pinwheel: Required Items:
April Pinwheel (3) M-Stone Piece
May Valkyrie (1) Shear Feather, (1) Magic Stone
July Rising Sun (1) Saw Blade, (8) Screw
August Cardinal (1) Cockatrice Pinion, (1) Mesmerize Blade, (1) Sharp Spike
1st Shooting Star (2) Windmill, (1) Regen Ring, (1) Force Armlet, (2) Energy Crystal

Irvine Kinneas
Magazine: Gun: Required Items:
April Valiant (1) Steel Pipe, (4) Screw
May Ulysses (1) Steel Pipe, (1) Bomb Fragment, (2) Screw
July Bismark (2) Steel Pipe, (4) Dynamo Stone, (8) Screw
1st Exeter (2) Dino Bone, (1) Moon Stone, (2) Star Fragment, (18) Screw

Selphie Tilmitt
Magazine: Nunchaku: Required Items:
March Flail (2) M-Stone Piece, (1) Bomb Fragment
June Morning Star (2) Steel Orb, (2) Sharp Spike
July Crescent Wish (1) Inferno Fang, (1) Life Ring, (4) Sharp Spike
1st Strange Vision (1) Adamantium, (3) Star Fragment, (2) Curse Spike
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