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Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy VIII titleSquall Leonhart
Squall Leonhart Picture
Final Fantasy VIII
Age: 17
Height: 5'8"
Skill: Renzokuken
Affiliation: SeeD
Birthday: August 23rd
Character Type: Primary
Power Ranking*: 2nd
Squall Leonhart is a lone wolf. He is friend to no one. This trait does not endear him to anyone, but it does have him gain a rivalry with fellow classmate Seifer Almsay. Still, his teacher, Quistis Trepe, is the only person who seems to care about his actions.

Most people will admit, Squall is kind of a prick. He does not care about other people's actions, unless they are of consequence to him. He does not express himself much, and keeps much of his thoughts to himself. In the beginning, Squall's personality is something of an enigma, as is his past...

Squall can always be found wearing his trademark clothes, which consist of a white shirt, covered by a bomber jacket with fur trim, matching pants, and large red belt, where the gunblade hangs. His gunblade, necklace, and ring carry a lion's symbol (Griever), almost a symbol of Squall himself. Squall has an interesting distinguishing facial characteristic: A long scar that extends from the top right of his forehead to the top part of his left cheek. The scar occurred during a morning practice session with Seifer. Squall's weapon of choice is the gunblade, a hybrid weapon that combines a revolver and a sword. The hilt of the sword also houses the trigger of the gun. Squall is one of the few people in Balamb Garden to prefer the gunblade.

Limit Breaks
Squall's Renzokuken limit break is used much like the normal gunblade. When Squall enters the limit break sequence, a limit gauge will appear at the bottom left portion of the screen. In the gauge, there is a number of right angle triangles, which represent when the user should press the "R1" shoulder button. If timed successfully, Squall will do additional damage during the limit break. His final limit, the Lionheart, can do 180,000 HP of damage.Renzokuken
Name: Gunblade Required: Description:
Rough Divide Any Gunblade Non-elemental damage to an enemy
Fated Circle Shear Trigger or better Non-elemental damage to all enemies
Blasting Zone Flame Sabre or better Non-elemental damage to all enemies
Lionheart The Lionhart Non-elemental damage to an enemy

*Power Ranking is based on the overall usefulness of the character, based on categories such as "average damage dealt in comparison to others", "skill variety", and "offensive/defensive pros/cons". These are simply my opinions as I play through the game.
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