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Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy VIII titleSelphie Tilmitt
Selphie Tilmitt
Final Fantasy VIII
Age: 17
Height: 5' 1 1/2"
Skill: Nunchaku
Affiliation: SeeD
Birthday: July 16th
Character Type: Tertiary
Power Ranking*: 5th
Selphie Tilmitt is a transfer student from Trabia Garden. She is the poster girl for school spirit, as she quickly signs up to do numerous school activites for Balamb Garden. She is the main proponent of the Garden festival, and she introduced the school's public diary, which turned into a forum for 'Trepies' and topics about hot dogs...

Selphie seems to be the least apathetic person of the group, and seems to be the least likely person to be a fighter. It even makes you wonder why Selphie is even in SeeD. As the story evolves, Selphie finds that she really likes fellow SeeD member, Irvine Kinneas.

Selphie's battle uniform is pretty simple: A yellow dress, and brown boots, leaving most of her legs and arms exposed. It's not quite the best protection in battles, but she doesn't expect to get too close to the enemy. Her weapon of choice are the nunchaku (which are hard poles attached together by a chain, for those who don't know).

Limit Breaks Selphie's limit break involves the use of a "slot". A randomly selected magic will be named, and you have the option of wither casting it or randomly selecting another magic. While it's not the most efficient limit break in the world, Selphie does have the ability of casting 4 spells which are not found anywhere else in the game. These 4 spells are listed below:
Name: Effect:
Full Cure Restores 100% of the party's HP, and relieves them of all status ailments
Wall Casts "Shell" and "Protect" on the battle party
Rapture Removes enemies from the battlefield, resulting in an instant victory (only works on certain enemies, and never on bosses).
The End Kills all enemies, resulting in an instant victory (you can even use it on Omega Weapon). The End indeed...

*Power Ranking is based on the overall usefulness of the character, based on categories such as "average damage dealt in comparison to others", "skill variety", and "offensive/defensive pros/cons". These are simply my opinions as I play through the game.
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