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Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy VIII titleRinoa Heartilly
Rinoa Heartilly Picture
Final Fantasy VIII
Age: 17
Height: 5'3"
Skill: Angel Wing
Affiliation: Forest Owls
Birthday: March 3rd
Character Type: Primary
Power Ranking*: 6th
Rinoa is the leader of the resistance group called the "Forest Owls", a small team with big dreams of freeing Timber (Rinoa's home town) from Galbadian control. Her father (Carlway) is a colonel in the military, and he does not approve of his daughter gallivanting around and getting in trouble. Her mother, who was named Julia Heartilly, died years ago. Although Rinoa fights a serious fight, she seems to have a more care free attitude, which is a sharp contrast to Squall's serious nature. She genuinely cares about all the people around her, and she will commit to any endeavor with all of her heart.

Rinoa's most trusted ally is her dog, Angelo. He even accompanies her into battles, where Angelo makes himself useful by aiding the battle party by healing, reviving, or helping on the offensive front with magical attacks.

Rinoa sports a long sky blue dress, which accentuates her black shorts and her silky black hair. On the back of the dress is the image of two white angels wings. They seem to reflect Rinoa's kind hearted and gentle personality, as well as make reference to her limit break. She also has matching blue forearm guards, with a pinwheel launcher attached on her left wrist. The pinwheel, a long range bladed weapon, is Rinoa's weapon of choice.

Limit Breaks Most of Rinoa's limit breaks may be useful in the beginning of the game, when your party in generally weak, but once you reach disc 2, you will find that Angelo is essentially useless. However, Rinoa will make up for it with her "Angel Wing" ability, which turns her into a berserker witch that can cast non-stocked magic with 4-5x the damage. There are some disadvantages however, as you cannot chose the magic, so if Rinoa casts Blizzaga on a Ice-type creature, it will do your party no good...
Name: Magazine Required: Description:
Angelo Rush (Default ability) Non-elemental damage to an enemy
Angelo Cannon (Default ability) Non-elemental damage to all enemies
Angelo Strike Pet Pal vol. 1 Non-elemental damage to an enemy
Angelo Recover Pet Pal vol. 2 Heals a party member in critical condition
Invincible Moon Pet Pal vol. 3 Temporarily makes the battle party invincible
Angelo Reverse Pet Pal vol. 4 Revives a downed party member
Angelo Search Pet Pal vol. 5 Searches for items during a battle
Wishing Star Pet Pal vol. 6 Non-elemental damage to all enemies
Name: Requirement: Description:
Angel Wing (Learned) Various-elemental type damage to enemies

*Power Ranking is based on the overall usefulness of the character, based on categories such as "average damage dealt in comparison to others", "skill variety", and "offensive/defensive pros/cons". These are simply my opinions as I play through the game.
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