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Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy VIII titleLaguna Loire
Laguna Loire
Final Fantasy VIII
Age: 27
Height: 5'9"
Skill: Writing
Affiliation: Himself
Birthday: January 3rd
Character Type: Secondary
Power Ranking*: N/A
Laguna Loire is a mysterious man, who haunts Squall's mind. Through forced dream sequences, it is eventually learned that Laguna was a struggling writer, who became a member of the Galbadian army, along with his friends, Ward Zabac and Kiros Seagul. On a visit to a local bar in a Galbadian hotel one night, Laguna met the girl of his dreams. Her name was Julia Heartilly. They fell in love, but it would not last, as Laguna and his buddies had to leave for military duties elsewhere. They would never see each other again. After a mission gone horribly wrong, Laguna leaves the military, and decides to live in the small village of Winhill, where he catches the eye of a young girl named Raine. But once again, life would interfere, and Laguna would leave another loved one behind. Nothing else is written in the history books about Laguna Loire...

Laguna is a sympathetic person, who loves life. He travels around the world, writing and creating art. He loves animals too, as he tries to protect the Galbadian army from using mumba's as slaves. A character flaw that he has, is the fact that he can't stop talking. Once Laguna gets going, you better find a comfortable seat, because it's going to be a long trip.

Laguna has long brown hair, which flops over to the right side of his face, leaving a clear view of the left side of his face. He usually wears a blue jacket, but nothing that stands out. This allows him to blend in with the crowd, and disappear from the world. His weapon of choice is the machine gun.

*Power Ranking is based on the overall usefulness of the character, based on categories such as "average damage dealt in comparison to others", "skill variety", and "offensive/defensive pros/cons". These are simply my opinions as I play through the game.
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