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Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy VIII titleIrvine Kinneas
Irvine Kinneas
Final Fantasy VIII
Age: 17
Height: 6'
Skill: Sniping
Affiliation: SeeD
Birthday: November 24th
Character Type: Tertiary
Power Ranking*: 4th
Irvine Kinneas, a SeeD member from Galbadia Garden, is a specialist in long range shooting (a sniper). He likes to portray himself as a consummate ladies man, which is enhanced by his cool-headed exterior. That is just an image however, and Irvine is not calm inside. As such, he would have a tendancy to choke during a high pressure situation, where he is the "go-to" guy.

Even though Irvine will try to hit on any woman with a heart beat, he really does care for Selphie. Irvine's past is cloudy, to say the least, and it can't be said for certain who his parents are.

Irvine likes to dress up in a modern cowboy-type style, with a long beige trench coat, and black cowboy hat. Although Irvine's specialization is that of a sniper, he carries a shotgun around as his sidearm of choice. This gives Irvine more location coverage in close battles, as well as numerous options in ammunition selection. Different bullet types will do varying types of damage.

Limit Breaks Since Irvine's limit break involves the use of a shotgun, the operation of the limit break works like a shotgun. Everytime Irvine takes a shot, he must reload the gun, which takes up time. AP ammo is very slow, but heavily damaging, while Fast ammo allows for efficient reloading, but it suffers from a lack of punch. If you are able to get your hands on some pulse ammo however...
Name: Bullet Required: Effect:
Normal Shot Normal Ammo Non-elemental damage to an enemy
Scattered Shot Shotgun Ammo Non-elemental damage to all enemies
Dark Shot Dark Ammo Induces "Blind" status on an enemy
Fire Shot Fire Ammo Fire-elemental damage to an enemy
Canister Shot Demolition Ammo Non-elemental damage to an enemy
Quick Shot Fast Ammo Non-elemental damage to an enemy
Armor Shot AP Ammo Non-elemental damage to an enemy
Hyper Shot Pulse Ammo Non-elemental damage to an enemy

*Power Ranking is based on the overall usefulness of the character, based on categories such as "average damage dealt in comparison to others", "skill variety", and "offensive/defensive pros/cons". These are simply my opinions as I play through the game.
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